Due to plummeting enrollment, Chicago Public Schools announced a proposal to consolidate four Englewood High Schools into a single new building. The new building would be located at the site for Paul Robeson High School at 6835 S. Normal Blvd. The plan was created in partnership with the Englewood Community Action Council and has been informed by extensive surveying of community stakeholders.
Council co-chairwoman Dori Collins said Robeson would be an ideal location “mainly because of the campus it sits on and the square footage.” (Watson, DNA, 4/20/17)
The Englewood Community Action Council recognizes the value of the historic Harper School building at 6520 S. Wood Street and has advocated for its repurposing.
“We know that’s a beautiful, historic facility,” Collins said. “It’s a fantastic structure, so why get rid of it?” (Watson, DNA, 4/20/17)
Preservation Chicago considers Harper High School to be an outstanding historic school building that should be protected. It is similar in style to by Dwight H. Perkins designed Grover Cleveland Elementary School in the Irving Park community.
Additional Reading
New Englewood High School Should Combine 4 Schools Into Robeson: CPS Group